Fox News
"If you’ve got young ones in your inner circle, 'tis the season for spooky stories. Visit thelurkers.com and you’ll be treated to an audio narration with graphic illustrations and animated videos of a story that is described as melding the style of Tim Burton and Dr. Seuss."

"iamlaurael is the fastest rising female artist on Solana. The combination of illustration with visual storytelling in the Lurkers is incredibly moving. I collected three of the animation pieces to support this talented artist because this work makes simply me extremely happy."

Medici Minutes #17
"One of the first animated 1/1s I saw on Solana. Laura, known as iamlaurael, entered the 1/1 space 2 months ago capturing collectors' attention with her genesis series, The Lurkers. Since then, she’s set records including being the first female 1/1 artist on Solana to surpass a 100 SOL sale!"

"Popular opinion: The Lurkers will long be one of the most iconic SOL collections."

"There was no chance I was leaving this auction empty handed. Super excited to add Lurkers #008 to my collection @iamlaurael"

"'Lurkers #011' by @iamlaurael added today. What an amazing piece of art this is, Laura. I'm very excited and very thankful to own what is my favorite piece (so far) of this incredible collection."

The Drop NFT
"We may be in a bear market but that hasn't stopped artist iamlaurael from setting new ATHs with her storytelling collection, The Lurkers. She was the first female 1/1 artist to break 100 Sol sale and was just featured in @CozomoMedici's Medici Minutes bringing more attention to the fast-growing 1/1 space on Solana. Currently here Lurkers series sits comfortably at a 180 SOL floor."

NFT Culture
"I think because this art series tells a story, there are lots of avenues I can explore to take it even further after completion. The end of the collection may just be the beginning for The Lurkers. Follow me on social media to come along on the journey."